michh's low-tech snaps

By michh

water on plastic, a flash and some red

Spent my time at home studying.

Later found this plastic tray where carrots are put inside as a rewarding object for photographing. To set an accent, I added an object trouvée found on the streets some days ago, what is a part of a broken bicycle lamp. If I could do the shot again (but can't, the droplets are gone) maybe I would leave it away, it's very dominating, or put it into the bottom left corner... never mind, my mission on this site is to learn.

During that photo session I felt really stuck with my compact camera. It was not so easy to get the objects right without appropriate lighting and with a camera automatic that followed its own will. But I will NOT buy me another one, my aim is to learn to get the most out of it :). In fact, this was the first time ever that the built-in flash was useful - I always switch it off and nearly forgot about its existence.

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