Soothing Saturday

I woke early and then dozed in and out of 'Today'.  Weird experience, I went from 6.45 - 7.20, in a blink.

I was going to go swimming but didn't!  I've done some housework and washing and spent a while on the phone about money.  that depresses me. 

I could have gone for a walk, but not much fun on your own.  I've been out in the garden, very briefly cutting back even more.  Not a lot of sign of bulbs.  I hope they haven't disappeared.  

Now I'm sorting out photos and listening to a programme about trying to capture sound in a photograph.  Very apt as earlier I was photographing my wind chimes. 

I think I'm alone, although #2 son could be esconced in his room.  #3 son is back on Monday.

If I get all these photoi sorted and uploaded to One Drive that will be another tick. 

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