the sunrise hour

By kittyhawk

Culinary Adventures

During first term, I ran out of money and was so bad at cooking, that all I could make/afford was pasta and sauce. However, this term I got another boost of student loan and can eat much better! Since I have nothing else to do but revise, I have been taking the time to cook different things as a study break. I also thought eating healthy is important when you are studying and have to do exams.

This was a delicious tofu and lentil curry I made, and it was pretty darn good if I may say so myself. I've never cooked tofu before, but thought I should try it since I am a vegetarian, and it will increase the limited selection of meals I can eat. I'm so glad I made it because I got pretty stressed and blue in first term, which was probably made worse by the fact that I didn't eat or sleep properly. So far, this term has been much better. I've been eating and sleeping well for exams, and just feel so much better! 

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