
By Hambo

bonnie babies!

thanks to a sneeze earlier in the day, my damaged back is now hurting more than ever, so i relieved the agony by reading Nigel Slater's 'Eating for England'
one chapter deals with Jelly Babies; '...... produced by Basett shortly after the First World War, and were called 'Peace Babies'. The white powder is fine corn starch to stop them sticking to one another.
Since a makeover in 1989 each of the jelly babies has acquired a name:
Bumper - orange
Bubbles - lemon
Booful - lime
Bigheart - blackcurrant
Brilliant - raspberry
Baby Bonny - strawberry
i remember them coming in a box with waxed paper inside. Digging down for them your hands would get covered in the white flour and i used to eat them head first! Now they cost a £1 and come in a bright yellow plastic bag - still taste good though!
p.s. i replaced my earlier blip of a dead rat as only 5 people had viewed it - apparently there are limits!!

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