'I Blame Bono'
‘I’ll tell you how I knew,’ he said,
‘she began playing U2, loud, in the car.
Bono’s voice blaring out. The Edge’s guitar.
She was never one for loud rock, pop;
classical was her preferred choice when travelling.
So that was a clue. The mystery unravelling!
Oh yeah, and there were the visits to
the beauty parlour every two or three weeks
for a manicure and a tidy up down below.
And there was an increase in the weekday nights away
‘on business.’ And the weekend ‘conferences’
began to crop up more often than they used to.
So, yeah, when I did find out what was going on
I realised I already knew. It was still a shock
to have that knowledge confirmed though.’
‘But it’s better for you
not to be with someone who
doesn’t love you and who you don’t love,’ I said.
‘Very true,’ he said, ‘I know.
And at least now I can get back
to playing the Beatles and Costello.’
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