
This picture does not tell the story of the day. I have actually been a very, very grumpy girl all day. I have a bad cough and it woke me up this morning, before 8am, I have been grumpy ever since -not like me at all.

I had some melon for breakfast and an orange. I then had some toast with cheese spread. I wanted sweeties but mummy said no but I could have a yogurt if I was still hungry.

After breakfast we went out to the shops. Mummy wanted to get a mattress for the crib but didn't manage to get one. She said tomorrow....

We picked up a few essential for the fridge, milk, cheese and yogurts. I happily helped carry some bits.

We headed home as I was grumpy and kept crying for no reason. So we headed home to the cosy.

Mummy made a chicken curry for dinner before making a pot of soup too. I kept on checking on her to make sure she hadn't gone anywhere.

At dinner I wouldn't eat the curry but happily ate a bowl of rice and some nan bread. I just wanted something plain.

I was too tired for my bath. So it was medicine, milk then bed. I didn't even get to the end of my story as I was fast asleep.

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