The beard is a superfluous burden!
We spent our usual Saturday morning in the library. Whilst warming myself with a couple of lattes I browsed one of their new history magazines and came cross this fun historical fact - well fun if you are not a beardy, at least!
It has felt really cold today so I settled for mainly indoor steps. I've racked up 32000 steps and 17 miles thanks to good old Poirot - who would definitely not approve of a whiskers tax. I have made my way through the shorter earlier episodes so now I am on to the feature length versions. I lived those when watching them couch potato style but they are less of treat when you are willing them over because your calves are complaining.
I rang for my first wedding today and it wasn't perfect but nor was it awful so I'm happy with that :)
I reckon I will sleep well tonight after all that.
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