From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Oh you beauty!

The best laid plans of mice and men....

It was the most beautiful summary Saturday which was quite amazing when you consider it's only a week into February.

I'll make this quick as my eyes are falling out of my head and it's an earlier start tomorrow than usual for a Sunday. We missed the bus we were aiming to catch as the doorbell rang and mom decided to have a heavy discussion with a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses. She often does this and I was relieved she didn't invite them in. Mom's very first boyfriend in Ireland millions of years ago when dinosaurs walked the earth was a German one. Jehovah's Witness, not a dinosaur.... She nearly changed from a Catholic to be one!

Anyway, the doorstep discussion droned on and I nearly hung myself when they started discussing blood transfusions. Just don't ask! We finally escaped and had a quick walk to the bus station via the beach and caught the bus to Girvan as I wanted a picture of Ailsa Craig. Mom had no less than 8 attempts to take a picture of me with my birdie island in the background. I was so surprised when she eventually managed it that I wasn't ready and looked like I had severe constipation or was about to lay an egg.

My poor FB pals can laugh at the horrors on the other side along with the other pictures from today.

After all that, I ended up running down to the beach after 5pm to catch yet another Ayrshire sunset. Of all the pictures I took, I liked this one best. The sky was so many shades of orange and pink. The photographers were dotted everywhere and the windows of all the houses which were sea facing turned red or pink too!

Thank you Ayr! I'll be back in a few weeks..

Track? This song from Bobby Darin (1959) was playing in someone's car on the seafront -Dream Lover

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