Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Oh what a tangled web they weave ...

...the poor NHS manager to deceive.

Well it does feel like I'm caught in the strands of an enormous web at the moment, the way we're taking the whole system apart again. Eat your heart out Ron Weasley ...

7am start in the office this morning. Had to do an Olympics exercise that involved me talking in to a VHF transmitter (all that Hotell Sierra Charlie type language ... always think of the spoof movie Airlplane! and struggle to keep a straight face). Took an hour out of the day at lunchtime to take TSM out for a walk in the park as part of her rehab, will now be doing board papers until late into the evening, but at least I got a little bit of today's glorious sunshine (and, I confess, an ice cream).

New Blu Ray player came in the post (last one from Argos was a fail - we took it back). The Girl Racer rang suggesting a picnic next Wednesday before she embarks on her summer of travelling. Aged P rang in a very confused and panicky state - managed to calm her down over the phone ...

A busy day indeed.

The spider, by the way, is called Andrew

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