Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


Ever seen The Truman Show?? I swear I'm in a re-make of that!!

Everyday seems to bring a load of drama!!

Today went like this...
-Up late
-Evie was off school with ear ache that disappeared as quick as it came on
-Elliot hasn't stopped moaning
-I lost my phone
-The car was dropped off but I had to return the mechanic back to the garage, during it's service they must have changed the settings on the dashboard as it was showing 33mpg, I assumed that meant I had 33 miles left before getting diesel..... It didn't. I felt the car spluttering and it brought back memories... Once again I had run out of diesel, this time the car stopped dead at the exit of a one way road and the entrance of a one way road.... It was total carnage, no one helped, I didn't have my phone, so I had to try and roll the car back into a safe space. The ignition wasn't on and I didn't realise the steering would be so heavy and the brakes would hardly work resulting in me nearly stacking the car....
-Had to walk the children home, Evie was in her PJ's, Elliot was shoeless and we didn't have the pushchair...
-No-one was able to help to take me to the garage to get diesel (Well Nige could but I didn't want to have to drag him away from work)
-Popped into the shop after the school run (the shop that the car was parked outside) and they informed me that the police had been in 3 times about my parking.... I was about an inch on the yellow lines, I got cross with them and told them to tell the police just to give me a ticket if they come in again...
-Managed to get a lift, begrudgingly, at about 5pm and spilt diesel on my Uggs and favourite jeans
-Got home with the hopes of a glass of wine to chill out with but there wasn't any....
-Went down the shops and forgot most things on the list...

I did remember the wine though ;)

This is Elliot in with an ice cream from the bastard ice cream van that parks outside the school at the end of school, reminded me of this!

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