Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


.....for the final yards......

I love Sunday mornings. We were at St Agnes today. My Grandsprog is the one with the ball in both hands, showing superb balance and determination, he scored and made his GreatGrandma so proud (and me). It's not often that you get Great grandparents at a rugby game. Nanny Beads, as she is known, was amazed at the laughter and fun with which the youngsters approached their weekly game. They are so relaxed about their sport, that will change with time and experience, it's a pity that the naivety and fun is slowly edged out. 

Optimism rules, let them enjoy it while they can, sun, blue skies, the sea just over the hedge and hot dogs afterwards; is there any better way for a yoof to start Sunday? 

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