Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Castle Cornet...

This isn't the best photograph I took around Castle Cornet today but it is from a different angle than I usually take and because I used the wide angle lens it has distorted the shape of the castle a bit. For those who prefer colour have a look here, and you can also see the other pics I took today.

While editing the photographs in different ways it struck me that I'd love a challenge which involved everyone being given the same RAW colour image to process in whatever way they wished. I'd love to see the variety of different finished pics. Clearly not something that could be done on Blip since this is everyone's personal journal but nevertheless the idea intrigues me...

I must apologise that I have completely fallen off the commenting wagon. There's just too many things to do and too little time. Should I get a job? I seemed to have a lot of spare time when I worked full time... I will catch up within the next few days and be back with you all.

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