Bath blip

These are my poor legs. I don't think I've ever blipped from the bath before, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get out!

Before Noo came along, GravyC and I did a lot more running than we do now. Even when I was 8 and 9 months pregnant I did more running than I can currently manage. My job is a huge stress (not for much longer!) and then I want to come home and spend time with the boys in the bit of the day that is left. In the summer it's ok - I can run in the evening. This winter especially, however, my running has been in the doldrums . That affects my general wellbeing perhaps more than it ought to.......but that's just the way I am...

Anyway, today's 'long' run of 11.25 hilly miles hurt my legs more than it used to. In fact a run wasn't a long run unless it was over 15 miles, back in the day!!

Beautiful day for running though!! And GravyC came too as his mum and dad bravely had Noo. (ZQ was braving rugby training). He managed to put up with all my moaning and carried my hat from half way, so he had first dibs on the bath water!!!

Watch this space - I'm on the comeback trail!!!

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