Taking off

On such a wonderful sunny morning, I couldn't resist a trip over to Elford Hall Gardens.  I've never visited in February (it's the butterflies that usually attract me) and it was unbelievably neat and tidy with all the trees and plants pruned and sorted for the winter.

Snowdrops, hellebores, cyclamen were all in evidence.  I spent ages by the river, appreciating the misty views and wondering if I could ever be lucky enough to see a kingfisher.  I could see where last year's nest was and I'll be back.

A robin and a bluetit sat for a photoshoot in the orchard.  Another robin, the friendly little helper of one of the gardeners, was not so co operative.  The man tried to tempt him with worms but he wasn't having any of it.

I took quite a few shots - and didn't know until I got home that I had caught him taking off.

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