An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Diamond Dandelion

I am in a MAD rush!!!!

Usual day at work. Got home planning to start week 4 of OU course. Just started taking photos when DING DONG....piano tuner at door!! Totally forgot he was coming and totally forgot I was meant to phone him to cancel his visit as by the time the piano is rolled on and off a removal can, it will sound like Les Dawson's playing it!

Well it's tuned now! The man, lovely though he is, can talk for Scotland so now I'm behind with Alan's dinner and he's starving!

Will hopefully get a couple of hours later to start reading this week's course notes properly. The topic this week is focus and depth of field. Would you have guessed that from today's blip?

Happy Tuesday Peeps :))

PS Got quote from removal firm this morning. Cheaper than I thought so it's booked. Phew!

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