
In the Market, even on a dreary wet day, yes again, people smile and have fun.  I sure need to walk through there whenever I can - finally got a flicker site set up and one of these days will make a link of just some of my favorite Market photos.  

Met T to see Selma - I was young when all that was happening, but one cannot help wishing one had been present and lent his/her voice to the effort in Selma.  The change in our lifetime is astounding - when I was a young Scout on way to camp in southern Virginia my troop car stopped at a small roadside place for bathroom and snacks - there on the door it said "whites only" - I will never forget taking that in and understanding just a little at age 12 what that meant. It was sobering and something I thought about for years, and can still see that sign in my mind's eye.  Now we would have a photo for such a memory, but this memory proves that is truly not always necessary.    The criticism of LBJ and his role as depicted in the film is somewhat justified - I was very political and worked in DC in those days, to include on his '64 campaign as a high-schooler.  He was a tireless dealer - the portrayal emphasizes that side of his politics over his commitment to what is/was right, in my opinion.  Nonetheless it is an important film and wonderful portrayal of King and all the Selma crusaders. 

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