Today is a new day...

By Quaver


We started out early (ish) and climbed up towards Castlehead. Scottie5 assured us it was worth the climb and that the view would be fabulous. We helped Grandma over the rocky bits in the knowledge that we would be rewarded by the stunning panorama.

When we got to the top, the mist had engulfed us and there was absolutely nothing to be seen but mist and more mist. Luckily Scottie5 had brought chocolate biscuits which helped slightly.

However, when we got down to the lake the mist was swirling about over the hills and above the water and the sun broke through in a most atmospheric way.

A delicious lunch followed and then a wander about the town.

Semi-Q's cousin is joining us all tonight for dinner and will be with us for the next couple of days.

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