A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


This is one of those times to be glad there is no sound on blip. Though it can't be said there wasn't gusto in the singing of happy birthday.

Early-ish Carlos headed out to collect Jackson from his sleepover to go and watch his football team play their next cup match. It's his first time back since his accident and really good for him to be back seeing everyone, even if it was only supporting this time. Certainly gave him the appetite to be back on the pitch which can only be a good thing.

Meanwhile Anna and I did yet more to get the house completely ready for our impending new arrival. I'm not sure I will cope with the wait.

But fortunately we have some great friends to keep us distracted and the rest of the day has essentially been taken up by a lunch that lasted several hours.

Everything crossed that the magic sleepover cure has magically cured the sleep disturbance and that this heralds a very normal and ordinary week.

Lesley x

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