I can see you

Last night was better, today has been lovely.

An early start at 5:20 with Munchie, but Womsie and I had a 'sleepover' in her bed until daddy woke up. I then got a wonderful 1 hour lie in whilst daddy took Munchie downstairs, Wom was fast asleep next to me, snoring his little head off!

We went to the pub for breakfast, was lovely, although I forgot to pick up Wom's milk and he let me know about his annoyance with this quite loudly. Luckily being placated with daddy's pancakes.

Home, played, pottered, saw Auntie Sarah for a right good catch up!

Rugged up for the afternoon and went on a NT adventure.Brockhampton Estate is an odd one. Split site, 1.2 miles between the two down a steep winding drive. We wandered about a bit, jumped on mole hills, spotted ducks and just had fun.

Home, more playing.

Cooked an early roast, everyone enjoyed it.
Laughing ourselves silly at Top Gear

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