
By Ogatodomar


Did a lot of cleaning today - dishes, floors, mega clothes wash. Then I attacked the computer - uninstalled loads of idiot programs that seem to have installed themselves without permission :o#

The worst culprit turned out to be the old defunct printer - an HP Deskjet - it had written about 10 separate programs designed specifically to bully & bug the poor user... Every time I uninstalled one it forced me to re-boot GRRRR!! Glad to say I prevailed & now have an HP-free computer. Ooof...

Then I did a bit of bootlegging - copying a one-off CD burnt back in 1992 on a machine the size of a chest of drawers which marketed at about 100,000 Belgian Francs = €2,500. The machine I did the copies on is slightly bigger than the old CD "Jewell Case" - cost - €29!

Going to drink wine & watch a film now - 'night Blipsters!

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