
I love this archway which is just next to the Central Library, I'm pretty sure that I've seen it on Smithski's journal... but I'll need to check - I bet one of you know if it has a name. There were all sorts of people wandering around, including some random Star Wars characters and tourists posing in the phone boxes not us of course Gemma and I are way above that sort of thing. Hahaha! 

Today was a very sombre affair... after yesterday... I fear we woke up drunk - I'm not sure how that happens cause I don't think I was actually drunk when I went to bed - but the shower helped. I have serious bathroom envy. A huge tub and a double shower. I need a bigger bathroom. 

Coffee. Breakfast. More coffee.

Train home - facing the wrong way. I was unaware that when you tick the boxes on the booking page of trainline the ticks are merely a preference, not a guarantee. I'm quite disappointed in this, what is the actual point?  We'll do you a lucky dip and perhaps give you a plug or a table or even a seat outside the lav!  Brilliant! I'd just like to face the right way. Sitting backwards means I can't read, I can't look at my phone and I can't even look out the window without feeling queasy. Throw a bit of a hangover into the mix and I'm fucked. 

Still... I'm home now to a very cute kitty who was very pleased to see me. She has been pampered and visited in my absence - thank you muchly to Cam and my parents - and she's been all over me like a rash since I came home. I'm trying to watch the BAFTAs and I'm pretty much failing miserably. I'm ready for bed. I've been ready for bed since about lunchtime. 

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