Cargill (or Ballathie) Viaduct

There seems to be some confusion over what it's called, but it's a very attractive (if fleeting) sight on the River Tay en route from Perth to Blairgowrie. 

It's a rail viaduct, built in 1848, with two tracks and five spans and in its heyday, it used to carry over 150 trains a day.  It's over 30 years since it was last used, but looks like it still has a lot of life left in it.

With the weather being so lovely today, we went out for lunch and then a drive round the Perthshire countryside.  The trouble was that everyone else had the same idea and no matter where we went, there was some car up our tail, so it was difficult to stop for a blip.  This was taken from the car at about 40 mph, so I was quite pleased with it!

Hope this weather lasts a bit longer:-)

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