
By Jeanettie6


It was my final morning, staying with my sister and they kindly gave me a lift back up to London, as they were going to Stratford today. 

I popped home quickly first then caught the train back into town to meet up with the ever-lovely Lazooligirl!  We had a 'quick' coffee and cake (the 'quick' turned into an hour and a half of chatting and chuckling).  After cake consuming, we were going to go inside St. Paul's Cathedral and up to the viewing circles!  I foolishly assumed it would be open for viewing on a Sunday, but no...oops!  Never mind!  We can go back another day (when it's not a Sunday of course!), but the top of One New Change came in handy for views and a sunset, then yet another hot drink (but no more cake...I've had far too much cake for a human this weekend))

Such a busy, really enjoyable weekend, with lovely family and friends. Thank you!

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