The fog ....

........ comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
Carl Sandburg

Thick freezing fog and crisp frost this morning and we rushed down to the sea to see what we could see. Not a lot. The gulls were loud and wheeling and someone was hammering on the pier. It all looked very ethereal and we lingered until our hands were icy.
The throbber is still wobbling and pensions are not as straightforward as you might hope. Having filled in the mighty form I then notice a small sentence informing that if you had paid social contribution in another country ( I have)  you needn't bother filling this in at all but had to contact the other country's pension office. Ooof. Several phonecalls and endless options later I got through to a person and the necessary form may be arriving, she was a little vague.
Other than that, it's cold!

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