
By TBay

Fog 'n' frost

This was the state of affairs weather wise at 9:30 am. We had a sharp frost but with quite a dense fog with it! Mr Tbay had to drive to Bridgwater this morning and found it very foggy and very cold. However by 11:00 we had glorious sunshine which remained for the rest of the day. The light when I took this was rather eerie more suited to a Dickensian film which begins in a grave yard!!

Farming - Two on compost hauling. The Mr Tbay's both on dung hauling today and Mr Tbay Jnr also mowed a patch of Miscanthus . All very busy.

For me a mixture of desk work and housework! Not really sure which I prefer !!

I have noticed that the birds at beginning to sing louder and a greater activity around the bird table. I even had a visit from a thrush today. We see very little of thrushes these days. Not really sure why as we use very little in the way of any agri chemicals, and there are lots of nature freindly areas on the farm. Lots of sparrows busy attacking my roof space currently preparing for the nesting season ! Every year Mr Tbay intends to wire the area behind the guttering but every year he forgets!! I like the sparrows so I never remind him until it is far too late!

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