it mudt be love love love, it must be love love
my pooches never fail to provide me with some lesson through out the day. Its usually patience and the fact that I should have bought shares in a kitchen roll company. Little poochie you see is Rosie she is 3 months and thinks she rules the universe shes having a hard time coming to the fact she doesnt . she forever plays the cute trump card. Tonight on her little strut up the fields she intimidated A grey hound (shes no bigger than a ferret!!!) Bruno the little pug cross with whom she is lying with has taken on the task of protector, and god help the dog who doesnt give Rosie whats she wants!!!! Today I have been trying to plant out me bedding plants, its amazing how helpful they actually are!! Never underestimate their digging a ability all I did was stick my trowel in pull it away and Bruno (little black dog in pic did the rest. Ace!!!!!
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