4 LUV of Life

By Russ

Dog post beauty treatment

Nevada, had a 3.5 hour beauty treatment.  They combed him out, Put him in a tight enclosure & vacuumed loose hairs out, cleaned his teeth, bathed him & blow dried him.  They wanted to trim long hairs around gentiles & ears which we said not too do because he recently had surgery & his hair was just now growing back.  They trimmed his ears anyway & he looks more like a foo-foo dog now rather than like a wild wolf.  He was exhausted afterwards & took at least a day to recover his energy.   He is whiter than usual but still has golden streak in the right light down his spine & is not dropping handfuls of his undercoat all over.  He did not like the treatment & stuck his nose in the opening of resting cage as soon as latch was undone & opened the door before the worker could put a leach on him.

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