PoorLittle Libby

Well, today was the day Libby was to get her teeth cleaned and perhaps have some of her teeth removed. After being abe to sedate her and get a good look at her teeth and gums the vet has said she doesn't have stomatitis but she has periodontal disease. I was called after being told what the vet had found out and what she thinks we sould be. She suggested that I wait two weeks before doing any extractions. She didn't want to keep Libby sedated any longer today. The plan is to remove 13 of Libby's teeth. Cost $900. Wow. Libby has turned out to be one very (special) expensive cat. I can't imagine life without her so I will do whatever I can to keep her with me for as long as I can, and as healthy as I can. I was sooooo stressed today when I went back to pick her up. This had been weighing on me for weeks now and the day had finally arrived today. I thought when I left her there this morning that this evening when I went to pick her up it would be all over. NOT. I have another appointment Feb. 25th.Libby doesn't want me to even hold her tonight. I don't blame her. Every vet who has ever seen Libby says she is just the sweetest little gal and she is indeed.

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