~Do not Eat~

It must of been quite a site... I went out front today in the rain ( the good weather didn't last ) placed garbage bags on the lawn,  laid down  on the grass  and took pictures of mushrooms.  I spotted these a few days ago and showed them to Dave and Billie.. They said they were Psilocybe mushrooms. The main psychoactive chemicals of these mushrooms. Psilocin attaches to the serotonin receptors in your brain.
These cause the incredible psychedelic effects that have made magic mushrooms a staple of counter culture.  Mushrooms create a wide range of chemicals, and all are worth knowing about and watching out for when searching for your mushrooms.
People pick them and either eat them of make tea... They cause hallucinations... I have never done anything like this but have heard of it.
Not positive these are them for sure...

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