
By Chiara

A dime from a stranger

My dad helped me move the rest of my crap to storage today. Imagine having to carry a lot of furniture down the stairs from the fourth floor. Yep. We had to do that... while breathing in stale smoke and soot. Fun.

We spoke to one of my neighbors. She said that the fire started in one of the storage rooms in the basement. I wouldn't be surprised if a serial arsonist did it.

I have to find a new place ASAP. I don't know how much longer I can handle sleeping on Nate's couch. Nothing against him (and his couch, which is very comfortable) -- I just need a home. A real home. I just want to sleep in my own bed again. I've been keeping myself too busy to let the whole incident sink in.

My future is full of "what ifs". I hope this uneasiness will pass soon. I just need to settle in ... somewhere.


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