bucks life

By bucksmiss

Pretty and cheap

My sleep monitor thingie said I got 5 hrs 18 mins of restful sleep (out of a total sleep time of 8 hrs 46 mins) last night. By far the most restful sleep since I've had it i.e. in the last month. Why was last night different? I've no idea. Intriguing.

It was a bit less manic at work today but still busy enough.

I did manage to get away at lunchtime only a little late and managed to do some fabric browsing at a local outlet and then at the fabric warehouse where I found the tail end of this pretty material, which will hopefully become the curtains in my spare room. Six metres will cost me a total of £37. Bargain, given that the same amount of the other fabric for my bedroom is costing £220! On average, the two sets will be very reasonably priced.

Then I had to start work again, some done from the car and the rest on the laptop when I got home. The problem with working at home in my own time is that I can lose track of time and it's always tempting to check one last email. Then another and another. Then you realise you've just done three hours work, effectively unpaid. Eh well. It's been enjoyable and fulfilling so I'm not really complaining. But I am glad it doesn't happen often.

After a delicious stew for dinner, I'll need to go to be early to make sure I'm up early tomorrow.

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