Photographic Memories

When I  saw that the Mono Monday challenge yesterday was "China", I immediately, and somewhat irrationally, thought of this picture of our erstwhile cat, Angus who, having chosen  an antique Canton china bowl for his bed, was looking distinctly displeased by its obvious inadequacies. 

I say thought of it because I couldn't even remember if it was digital, or in my  pre-computer filing system for snapshots known as a shoebox. I have made sporadic and largely futile attempts at organizing them over the years, but it  really is still a matter of  looking through them one by one.  

OilMan started trying to rescue a large collection of slides a number of years ago, but a substantial number of them had self destructed in their boxes and had to be thrown away. Without constant vigilance, images have a way of disappearing,  decomposing or just sinking into disarray, mostly lost or forgotten.

But there are some, tike this shot of Angus that are still clear I'm my memory. He has long since gone, and the Canton bowl must have met with its own destiny, since I can't find it,. The picture was poorly focused and somewhat faded, so it didn't convert to mono very well, but I decided to enhance it as much as I could and use it today. 

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