
By GirlKojak

Through a glass, darkly

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV)

Today I really wanted to produce a special blip. Something to mark 4 weeks of daily blips. This doesn't seem very significant in comparison to those of you who have reached the dizzy heights of 500, 1000, and even many more. But to me this is a huge achievement. In almost 4 years I don't think I have ever gone 4 weeks where I have actually got up every day.

However, today has been a busy day full of essential but dull tasks, leaving me little energy for creativity. The most significant event of the day was my appointment with my neurologist regarding my chronic fatigue. I have a difficult relationship with her. She is incredibly intelligent, scientific and logical but has little patience or sympathy for the human side of the condition. I get very frustrated with both my symptoms and with her. As far as she is concerned, my illness is absolutely clear. To me it is murky and confused.

This stained glass panel is one of several in the waiting room at the medical centre where I go for the clinic. They really add to the atmosphere of the place, and the sense that the patients are important. I took a couple of pictures while I was waiting, really just in case I needed an emergency blip at the end of the day. However, it put me in mind of the above quote from the Bible, which feels very significant to me today in many ways.

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