
By ify_p

My First Exhibition: She's 115 Years Old!

Yayy!  So on January 30th i had my first mini exhibition where i showcased my portrait/lifestyle series titled "Village People".

The anxiety i had before showing off my work was terrible. I had no idea if people were gonna like them or not and i was terrified of seeing their reactions.

I finally mastered whatever courage i had and smiled through the visual arts exhibition, describing my pieces to those interested and it was actually going really well! People really liked my photographs,  i remember a girl who even took pictures beside them. Omg i was so happy.

The exhibition was also an arts contest where at the end of the day a winner would be announced for best photograph, anddd i WON! My first time and i won. That night was just incredible.

The piece that made me win is this particle one. It's a portrait photograph of my great grandmother. She's 115 years old and the oldest woman from my original town.

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