
By wanderingsailor

Nilgiri Giant Squirrel

We went on an early jeep safari this morning and saw some elephants grazing on the hill below the road. We are the only guests at present as the wildlife sanctuary has been closed to visitors (except us) as two Indian guests had been killed by a tusker last week. All the staff and guides were very upset by the accident but had been cleared of any blame. Apparently the couple , who came from Gujerat , had been trekking with some Italians and their guide. Other groups were also nearby when this party came across the elephant. The guide told everyone to move back out of sight of the elephant but this couple ignored him and went closer to the animal in order to get better photographs. The tusker , unable to find an escape was very frightened by the camera flash and struck out ,killing both people. How crazy some people are and how they forget that elephants are huge ,wild animals who are easily frightened and may attack when cornered or protecting their young. We were allowed on jeep safaris and could just walk around the jungle centre but managed to see much wildlife there

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