Some days have it...

...others do not.

Unfortunately, today didn't have whatever 'it' is.

I had my first real day of job hunting frustration after a Skype interview with an agent that I'd already spoken to on the phone a couple of times. She'd suggested that I take a different role to 'get me into the field', and was going to interview me for that. I agreed to the interview last week.
This morning, I moved the table around, ironed my shirt and got all prepared for the interview on Skype. About 2 minutes in, she told me that I wouldn't be considered for the position because I didn't have enough experience in the field. Nothing has changed since last week when she suggested the interview.

What a waste of everyone's time.

I did get another application off though, so at least there's that.

Even my blip is a 2 minute emergency mess. Oh well... there's always tomorrow!

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