Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Exhibition preview

Started day with haircut - new hairdresser still can't get the cut correct at the back, but I think she will, in time (sigh).

Then a meeting at Kilfrost, our main sponsor in Haltwhistle, to report on the Walking Festival's progress. Always a pleasure to go there and chat.

Spent afternoon editing photos while it was sunny and hot (yes, hot) outside. Determined to get the job finished this week.

Tonight I took Mum to an exhibition preview of the work of David Taylor, landscape photographer and Ann Sheppard, botanical illustrator. I saw a lot of people I know, so it was very social for me, less so for Mum. We liked the work of both artists.

I decided to offer to take a photo to send to the local paper. The lighting consisted of loads of tiny spotlights casting shadows and bright spots in all directions. It was a bit of a nightmare. Here are Ann and David fooling around co-operating with the photographer. David is holding one of his more arty photographs in his left hand. You can see his profile in the shadow. I'm so glad I don't depend on photography for my living. Here is a more standard version!

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