Education for all

Founded over 600 years ago, the Drapers’ Company is incorporated by Royal Charter and is one of the Twelve Great Livery Companies in the City of London. The company supports a wide range of educational projects, including residential programmes for disadvantaged youth, support for long-term unemployed youth, mentoring of primary aged children with behavioural difficulties, supporting homeless young people ....... and the list goes on ... and on .... and on.

Today I met with Stephen, who, together with the Company he serves and represents, have invested in some of the most difficult educational issues you might imagine. We've explored ways in which we might support children in struggling settings.

I am humbled to meet folks who have so much and do so much for those whom so many have given up as chronically failing. There are some people who make the toughest of choices to help knowing that it will be tortuously difficult and will only reward the recipients.

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