HB Me!

This is my third cake of the day after being pampered from the off with pain au choclat for brekkie from my ophthalmologists.
No long lie as in my scrubs at 7.30am and ready for theatre as it was our second Laservision Clinic. More nerve wracking than last time as now we are supposed to know what we're doing! However all went well and all the patients went away happy and could see!
Highly charged excitement watching groundbreaking techniques. Me in full geek mode as I had to mentor an intern, and could not hold back my enthusiasm to be part of life changing surgery.
Mad dash to Armadale to give a vascular seminar so lots of blood guts and gore, assisted by a slap up lunch.
Throw in a bottle of wine and box of cupcakes from my boss and 'working on your birthday' seems to be the best possible way to celebrate.
Home to be spoiled by the family with a curry out yum and back for yet more cake.
Swamped with lovely thoughtful presents, cards, texts and calls all day long. Felt cherished.☺️
PS Readers ( yes both of you) you'll be glad to hear u got a CAMERA, my blips may yet be in focus...

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