Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Steps to nowhere

These steps to nowhere which are now covered in moss used to go somewhere I'm sure and are in a friend's garden.   On this very dull and overcast day that's the best blipI could come up with :)

Well the surveyor has been and gone and confirmed my suspicions about the cracks, there is movement in three places which he thinks is more than likely caused by drains/soakways.  Hope this is the case as means the house wont need to be under-pinned.  So just have to await his report.  He said say not to lose any sleep over it :)    I'm itching to tart the house up as its been very neglected ever since I've been here due to various reasons.

Something very strange and annoying has happened with my comment history.  All was fine this morning but when I looked at it this afternoon the current comments which I saw this morning have disappeared only to be replaced by much older ones, i.e. the day of my mum's funeral some three weeks ago!!  Very strange indeed.  Has this happened to anybody else?

Oh before I forget Misty was very chuffed with all the lovely comments about her yesterday and as a result she's been very big headed about it today which reflected in her behaviour!!  Hopefully she'll be calmer and better behaved tomorrow :)

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