A time for everything

By turnx3

Journey's end!

This was the view from our hotel window when we finally reached our destination of Brides-les-Bains, after a 10-hour journey - it should have taken about 6! Instead of sticking on the A6 round Lyons, which we would have been hitting around rush-hour, Roger decided to take the A40 through Bourg-en-Bresse and skirting Geneva. Unfortunately, what he hadn't reckoned with was how high that road goes, and that the rain we had been experiencing to that point would turn to snow, and they appeared to be shutting the road down by sections to clear it, so we spent the best part of a couple of hours going a very short distance! Roger had had visions of reaching the hotel about 8.30 and going out for a late dinner. Instead, we had to make do with a sandwich and a drink in the car, and it was almost 12.30 before we reached our journey's end, feeling very tired and frustrated, especially Roger who had been driving the most stressful part. However, we arrived safe and sound, so that's the main thing!

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