
By AnneILM60

Carolina Wren

My feeder was busy today, requiring a refill part-way through the day!  Lots of Carolina Wrens and House Sparrows today as well as my Cardinals and Tufted Titmice.

This weekend, Feb 13th - 16th, is the Global Great Backyard Bird Count.  Are you going to take part?!  It only takes 15 minutes a day and you don't have to participate everyday.  If you would like to take part here is a link to the website to register.

Today was still cold but Neenah used the sunshine to keep warm! =^..^=

Last night was tough with Kent very sick.  1am found me cleaning hallway carpet among other things.  It was a totally miserable night for Kent.  Today hasn't been much better.  He asked me a little while ago if he should try and go to work tomorrow!  I told him not to even think about it.

Hoping for a better night for all tonight.  

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