A Dull Day

And misty and rainy, the sort of weather that gets inside of your bones. Another dampener on the day was that I saw the Buzzard  that I have been trying to photograph but he was injured. he could still fly in short hops but the end of one wing was trailing. he managed to walk, hop and glide away from me although not very far. He was by one of his hunting grounds and I can only imagine he had gone down to eat and a car had clipped him. I do hope he is ok. I spent all day thinking about it and ringing various individuals and agencies to see if they could help. I can't see him going very far.All to no avail. I rang the RSPB, the RSPCA, the Police Wildlife Officer, various local wildlife rescue centres and charities even my elderly neighbours (who belong to a bird club) Ten years ago I would have caught him myself. Surely there is someone out there who can catch an injured Buzzard.

Incidentally during my short ride out this morning I saw three Buzzards.

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