This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today started with an early morning meeting with an interior designer. He came by to look at our work in the studio. It was a good meeting with him showing interest in several of our pieces for a client. We will see what happens.

Then there was a much needed phone call about art and life with Jennifer. (Thanks again Jennifer) From that moment on I had a plan for the rest of the day. I sorted out some financials (there seems to be more sorting and figuring when money is tight) and then we went and bought some required materials so we could start working on our new combined series of paintings. There was a visit to the bank and then I voted, paid the booth fee from Sunday and paid my water bill.

And then we began painting... 5 small pieces have been started at this point- we are just building the surfaces right now, just getting anything on the canvases. Starting is always the hardest part. Then later there was some silliness watched on the computer and a dog walk in the evening.

I just need to paint.

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