A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Incompatible choices

Early morning trip to the passport office to renew my passport that doesn't quite have enough left on it for my impending trip to the States. Extraordinarily efficient and I was in and out in 10minutes. Will need a trip back tomorrow to collect the passport as I needed to get back so Carl could get in to work. But it does at least mean that the going left running away option was outside any tempting reach.

I'm struggling to find anything of interest to write about and am starting to feel tempted to stop blipping out of boredom but it is a strong habit now and I seem to find myself back here anyway.

So, looking on the bright side: Anna had a great double bass lesson, J's mood seems to have lifted now he has some form of explanation for the sleep issues, we hadn't planned a holiday for this half-term that we would be busy cancelling, chicken and cashew curry is made for tonight and tomorrow and we have last night's Wolf Hall to watch.

Lesley x

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