
By BananaInPyjamas

Only three lessons today! :) 
I was walking home from school, when I meet my mum waiting for me at the top of the hill! Turns out we had told Sarah, we were going to collect her at 11:30, although I finish school at 12:20 not 11:20! Oops! 
So Mum had come to pick me, so we could get Sarah!

Sarah came around for lunch and then we looked at a lot of disgusting photos from dermatology books, like extreme gangrene or bed sores (google it...I dare you!!)! Also to protect the identity of the patients, the book had blacked out the eyes, but it looked TERRIFYING!!

Then we drove to Henley to watch the Testament of Youth! It was really good! I highly recommend! So I will probably be getting that book for my birthday! :)  It was very sad (although I didn't cry!), but after looking at the dermatology books, the war wounds in the film didn't look as bad as expected! :) We went during the 'silver screening', so there was around a 40/50 age gap between us and everyone else!

Had a McDonalds afterwards, only of Dad's first for around 20 years! :D

Music practise afterwards in the hall in prep for the Reading Youth Weekend this friday! :)

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