Thursday: Belgrade Streets

Well, my prediction of yesterday, about not really having time to take photos came true.  It was a bit frustrating, not being able to take more as Belgrade really does seem like a very interesting city, with lots to offer.  It would be great to just walk the streets with a camera.  This was just outside the hotel, before we headed for dinner.  

I was struck this morning by breakfast in the hotel (which is very nice and modern) being served in two rooms, with the larger of the two being for smokers......that just seems all wrong.

Anyway, I think Belgrade will definitely be worth a return visit.


Yesterday's train journey was long enough to finish J.M.Coetzee's 'Youth', about a young South African who moves to London in the early 1960s.  The skill of if lay in making the protagonist pretty unlikeable and frustrating.  I'd recommend it.

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