Read 1 - 2015

Not one of my better days. I couldn't concentrate on work in the morning, was a bit short tempered at work in the afternoon. Outside the weather remained dull, grey and cold. The good thing is, it's nearly weekend, only one more day to go. Hopefully I can do some walking to improve my mood.

I set myself a challenge (why?) to read 30 books this year..., but my list read-in-2015 on Goodreads is still shamelessly empty... For now I set aside the book I started reading early January and started another, The weight of blood. This one I will finish soon for sure. It's very thrilling. A close knit community and you don't know what people are trustworthy or not. There seems to be a repeated pattern of young (17 or 18 years old) girls getting kidnapped, misused and even murdered. Another 18 year old is trying to figure out what happened to her dead friend, as well as what happened to her mother who got lost so many years ago.  I fear for her own safety...

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