Evening Guests

First teaching day for me, since Mondays are usually free (I did go anyway, as I often do) and they moved my Tuesday class to Wednesday (which I don't mind as it frees me to work on other things and I can at least say I have one 'free' day at work).  Because the third quarter has just begun, it was one whole day of introductory lectures, during which I unveiled all the evil planning I had done during the past two weeks and laid out what they could expect in terms of workload and deadlines -- lots of laughs, till they realized that the first deadline is ... TOMORROW!

Bro-in-law J and his garrulous wife dropped by this evening, of all moments, and was I glad I had finished the slide show of our India trip last weekend ... it was ready for viewing, which they enjoyed, together with their coffee and almond cake.

This is the piano I used to play and which hubby wishes I would play again.  Maybe I should do just that and not wait till I get arthritis.

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