The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson


JimJam had 150 mls blood taken off today as her ferratin levels are very high, then fluid was replaced to top her up.  This represents how much, I should have taken a photo at hospital so we've had to replicate it using squash!!  Needless to say JJ is her usual self.  I was talking to one of the nurses, not one that was assigned to us, and clearly JJ had had enough and very clearly said goodbye.  Exit one laughing nurse!  She crakes me up.

Had promised Caitlin that she could go to after school club as I thought we'd be at hospital all day but we were home before school finished.  JJ was asleep as usual so I sneaked in a cuppa and read my kindle.  Should have picked her up straight away as I misled my car keys and had to call in reinforcements to pick her up and drop her home.  Keys found luckily.   Thanks C for having her before school.  She enjoyed the pain au chocolat!!!

Post today was my entry into Bourton 10k.  Yikes.  After last night's training run I think I might find it difficult.\teamjimjam2015

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